Fees & Collections
Timeshare Maintenance Fees & Collections
Viewpoint PMS manages fee maintenance fee assessments, accounts receivable and collections including:
- Bulk and individual charging of management charges
- Week ownership, Full, Even / Odd, Points, Fractional Ownership
- Even / Odd 100% respective year, or 50% each year with ability to have an admin surcharge
- Can run at a Club or Resort level, charges all ownership across multiple resorts based on Unit Size
- Charge currency is dictated by resort, multiple currencies can be charged in the same run
- Special assesments
- Taxes as required be th resort
- Points charges per point as well Points Admin fee as a flat rate, at the same time
- Discount for early payment
- Automatic interest charges for outstanding amounts
- Automatic late fees for overdue accounts
- Individual and bulk processing of payments
- Pre-payment of future changes
- Automated Installment Payment Plans
- Bulk payments from 3rd party collection processors
- Owner online payments
- Accounts receivable including aged balances etc.
- Adjustments to accounts (credits and debits)
- Payment priority for automated payment application to accounts receivable.